Sunday, January 28, 2007

Short update

I haven´t been blogging that much recently - sorry. The end of term is always a bit busy. I had to write many evaluations for my students, write several know how these things are. Today, I just wanted to tell you that I have my US visa (yey!) and I bought a ticket to the States. I am leaving Prague on Feb 18th for NY and will be returning back home on March 1st, which should get me back on March 2nd (be´h). Schedule still to be anounced:-)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Kids´ minds II

I haven´t posted much in the past two weeks, sorry. The end of term is always a bit hectic in a school. To make it up for you, let me post a couple of quotes of my students from the past couple of days:

"You wrote in the evaluation that I am never satisfied with a simple answer and that I always want to know more. Is this good or bad?" (Karel, 7years old)

"I think it is better to have more gods than just one. For example the Egyptians had many gods. Also, they look great. They are mixtures of people and animals." (Karel, 7years old)

"I know you are not supposed to draw God. But is it allowed to have an image in your mind? (Karel, 7years old)

"Are you trying to tell me that you are not married yet?" (Domink, 9 years old)

"You shall not sex." (7th commandment according to Eva, 16 years old)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Lights and a TV

For some time now I haven´t been updating you on the progress of my moving in. Today, my father came to put up new lights we bought together 2 months ago in Ikea. Bit by bit my flat starts to look like a home. And - one more thing: my parents bought me a TV set. I was very angry at first but now - frankly - I cannot wait to swich it on for the first time. I managed to live without one for 7 months. Now it is the time to stop being brave and face the music. It should arrive on Tuesday or so. Yey!

Going to the States

I have just found out that I will be able to go to the States between 22nd February and 4th March for the Koach Kalah conference (the exact days are to be confirmed shortly.) During these couple of days, I will be visiting New York (shortly), Penn university, Florida (not sure where yet) and Baltimore. If you are around in these days, please let me know - perhaps we could meet up (or - if you are Jewish and would be interested, I could talk to your community about Jewish Europe - you know how much I like to do that when it comes to American Jews:-). I am sure that my schedule will be tight ...but still - going to the States isn´t something I do every
day and therefore I would love to use this opportunity to meet my American friends. So please, drop me a line.