Sunday, October 01, 2006

Kids´ minds

(In memory of my uncle Tomáš Mittelsteiner z´l, a man of great sense of humor, a man that loved life. My uncle Tomáš passed away after a long illness yesterday in the afternoon)

One of the things I enjoy the most when I teach is to see how children think and what questions they ask. Here are just a few from the past days:

- How come God sees everybody and is with every single person all the time when there are so many people in the world?

- Children come to the world when people love each other. Where there any children in Niniveh when the town was so horrible?

- Do animals also have to do tshuva during High holidays?

- Does God judge also the baby that is in my Mumy´s belly?

- How come Pninah was so harsh on Chanah? Wasn´t she Jewish? Jews are not supposed to behave this way!

- How come Elkana had two wives? Isn´t it forbidden?

- Does God wear white?

- Can our cat eat pork? - Yes, she is not Jewish, she can eat whatever she wants. -How come she is not Jewish? - Because only people can be Jewish. - And what if she was born in Israel? - Even if she was born in Israel, she is still not Jewish. If an American Indian was born in Israel, he would not be Jewish either. - This is horrible. I really don´t understand why you should limit being Jewish only to people. That´t cruel.

- I think men go to mikveh less than women because men don´t have a uterus.


Anonymous said...

I would be extremely interested in what you replied to them:-) = idea for another article

Gafna said...

Ok, I will try to do that next week.