Saturday, January 19, 2008

Twisted values

I spent today´s Shabbat afternoon in my parents´house leasurely reading newspapers. In the weekend suplement of one of them I read about the following event:
Karel Gott, an infamous Czech singer and the most eligible bachelor in the country got married last week to his girl-friend and the mother of his little daughter. The news has been making the headlines for the last couple of days, during which many newspapers have been searching for minute details of the event. Ths particular paper went to interview the principal of the high-school, where Mrs. Gott studied to become a nurse several years before."She finished the school and started to work in one of the local hospitals," the principal said: "but she quit soon, went to Prague and started to work in the showbizz. It had always been obvious to me she would do that. She had always aspired for higher goals."

Hmm. I am probably not the only one who personally knows a number of nurses that spend their days and lives helping people, who feel misserable, taking care of the sick, injured, disabled and terminally ill. They meet pain, despair, tragedies and death on a daily bases and many of them do it with a lot of devotion. On the top of that, most of those that work as nurses in this country do it for an embarassingly small montly pay.

Seeing that a principal of a school that trains nurses considers a career of a green-widow of an aging pop-star as a higher life goal than helping those in pain is slightly... disturbing.

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