There is a lot of new. First of - I have a new job; or better to say I have a new possition in the same place. I now coordinate the Jewish program in our school. This is a very challenging experience - I have to learn a lot of new especially in communication with others. Most of the time I enjoy having to come up with new things and being creative. Sometimes I find it hard to get over mistakes I make. In general, however, I very much feel this is a change for the better.
I have a new baby-cat. Her name is Mushka and I brought her to my home a day after Yom Kipur. She is very sociable though incredibly wild. However, she is a great company for most of the time and I enjoy having such a fine flatmate.
Last but not least - I got engaged two weeks ago. G-d willing, Moshe and I should be getting married on Lag ba-omer on his family vineyard. During my „always a bridesmate never a bride" years I learnt that brides can be incredibly annoying in informing everybody about the progress of their wedding preparations and I wish to make a public vow and promise I will not become one of them. In fact, when we decided to get married, we sat down and within 3 days agreed on all the wedding arrangements. What do people make such a fuss about?
Personally, I would love to hear more about your wedding, your fiancee, etc.!
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