Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Day 13. Work in progress. How many apples can you eat?

Hi. Just a short note again. We are almost at the end of the third week. I have already encountered first little troubles (thankfully only in the administration stuff, not with the kids), but I still remain very happy in my job. There are many moments that are hard, there are many more that are very satisfying. Today, we had a Rosh ha-shana workshop with the first graders and their parents. It came out really well. We sang to the parents what we have learnt and showed them all kinds of skills and knowledge we have aquired within the first couple of days. It was lovely to see the parents interact with the kids during the workshop when they completed different tasks together. In the picture, we are making round chalot in the "science center." I introduced the children to our family custom of adding "legs" to the chala - as many legs as there are people around the table. It was a lot of fun!

As the week is coming to end, I am happy we will celebrate Rosh ha-shana soon. I am teaching 8 classes - there is a limit to the number of apples you can eat.
Shana tova u-metuka to all:-)


Anonymous said...

it all sounds almost unbelievable! :) you know, when I watch tv series about doctors, I keep thinking how great it is to be sick in their world, which is not (unfortunately) mine. here I have the same feeling - I've almost believed you that teaching can be fun :) no, seriously, may it get no worse during the upcoming year, and may you have even more satisfaction, shana tova!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. The kids will grow. and then they will rebel. All jews does.

Happy Rosh Ha-Shana

Gafna said...

All Jews DO, Avi. I am not sure I would be very happy about your English grammar were you in my class:-)

Anonymous said...


happy fast everyone!

Gafna said...

Lovely. In Jewish tradition we tend to say "easy fast" but that´s ok. It is still a pass:-) Have a happy fast too;-)